The situation is incomplete, but the chaos of the past is slowly giving way to order, and the goal is in sight. The image is one of a young fox crossing thin ice -- the way ahead is unobstructed, the goal is clear, but a wary, cautious attitude is essential.
Nearing Completion is the last of the cycle of Synchronicity. It suggests that the ever-spinning wheel of life never reaches an absolute conclusion. Just as a hidden sadness resides in the heart of true euphoria, just as the seeds of great achievement often sprout first in a caldron of adversity, so too no end is ever really complete without a new beginning stirring inside it. Though we divide life into categories in order to understand and master it, experience itself is seamless. With this reading, the 64-spoked, ancient wheel of Change that is Synchronicity is propelled back to its beginning point, ready to spin onward yet again, ever evolving, ever staying the same, just as it has for more than three thousand years.